Saturday, February 23, 2019

iPod + Broadcast

Hello everyone!

It is time for me to update my blog and share a new knowledge with all of you. The topic for this week is podcast. Have you heard about it? Podcast is a combination of iPod and broadcast. It is usually an audio file and it broadcast via the internet. Thus, you need to have internet to listen to this podcast. If you want to listen it while you are offline or maybe when there is no internet coverage in your area, you can download it to your computer or your mobile device.

So, for this week, I need to listen to a podcast and review it. The link given by Madam Azida was There, you will find lots of topic categories such as comedy, health, society & culture, news & politics and many more. You can choose any category that you are interested in. I chose science & medicine. Why? It was because I wanted to know how interesting it could be since for me science is quite unexciting. Then, when I looked for the topic, I chose The Science of Happiness.” After I clicked it, I found that there were lots of episodes or title listed and I had to click any interesting title I wanted to listen to. The title I chose is Be Kinder to Yourself.”

The content is about how to implement self compassion break in our life. Life must be exhausted but it always have a way on how to cope with it. It worth listening because right now, I felt quite exhausted and need some inspiration. So, when I listened to this, I know what should I applied in order to handle it. 

This audio was not more than 20 minutes. For me, it is good since it is not too long and people can stay still for it. The audio started by introduced the topic and the speaker without any music. Then after few seconds, a slow music started and you will listen to the guest’s story which is her own experience. The music will end as the story ended and they will start their conversation. So, you will not listen to any music while they are talking. Therefore, there will no any barrier for you to listen to their conversation. They also did not speak too fast so you can hear they speak words by words. Then, after 15 minutes they will have a break and the conversation with the guest ended. You will listen to another sharing information related to the topic. Next, you will be listening to the feedback they got from the listeners about the topic they have shared. Before the podcast ended, the speaker will list the staff behind the podcast.

Overall, I can say that it’s like listen to a radio but with lots of sharing information. You are not listening to a music but people who are sharing good information. It worth trying because you can do another work while listen to the podcast. The content will not disappointed you. 

Here, I provide a link for you to know the best podcast app.

Don’t forget to give a try! See you in a next post. Xoxo

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